In todays ever changing markets, global politics, economic factors and currency exchange rates continuously changing, it is important that you obtain a realistic valuation on your property.

More often than not, an enquiry to value a property results in a great deal of our clients informing us of how much they have spent on their property. Either by full renovation, interior design, new kitchens, bathrooms, furniture expense, system upgrades plus much more.  We always advise, depending on the demand, property specifications and property value in the area, that the financial input into the property over the years may not be returned in the event of a sale.

When setting an Asking Price for the sale of your property in Turkey, there are lots of factors to consider including how much you need to achieve from the sale and how quickly you need to sell in addition to local market conditions such as what other similar properties have recently Sold for and how high the demand for property in your area is.

Of course many an Estate Agent may value your property for their own financial gain including under-pricing in hope of selling it quickly to achieve a large commission fee on completion or may suggest a flatteringly high price to “win” your instruction only to demand a price reduction a few weeks later.  

As a professional Estate Agent in Fethiye with many years of experience witnessing the rise and fall of propery prices, we only value your home at a price we believe represents the current market.  We also take into consideration how urgent the sale is and match with similar properties on the market to create a price match.  As an agent it is important we neither undervalue or overvalue your property as this can ruin a potential sale.

As an agent, we often see the same property advertised with many agents at varying prices.  As your agent, we ask that you keep us informed at all times of any price changes you agree with other agents.  

If you wish to recieve a no obligation valuation, please contact us direct at 


valuing your home in Turkey, home valuation report, 

property valuationValuing your Property in Turkey